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Two people kayaking along the shoreline

Healthy Parks Healthy People

illustration of camping

Spending time in nature is good for you. We feel this every time we step outside to hike, camp, paddle, or just be in natural spaces. A wide body of research supports the physical and mental benefits of nature. This is why the Made-in-Ontario Environment Plan commits to promoting the link between nature and human health and increasing recreational opportunities for Ontarians.

Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback to the Healthy Parks Healthy People consultation. We are currently in the process of reading through the feedback we received during the consultation period. As a next step, we will review the responses and formulate a Healthy Parks Healthy People strategy to develop more effective programs, policies and partnerships and increase’s people’s access to the health benefits of nature.

Healthy Parks Healthy People in Ontario Parks is endorsed by:

Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario
Ontario Children's Outdoor Charter
back to nature network
Biodiversity Education and Awareness Network
Healthy Children Healthy Spaces
Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment
Lake Ontario Waterkeeper
Waterkeeper Swim Guide
Lung Association
Child Nature
Hike Ontario
Park Bus
Alliance for Healthier Communities
Canaidan Nurses for Health and the Environment
Nature Canada
Sitting at the beach

Join us on
July 19, 2024

Free day use in all Provincial Parks

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@OntarioParks #HPHP