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Two people kayaking along the shoreline

Healthy Parks Healthy People

Take the 30x30 Challenge!

Join us this August for a challenge that will get you back into nature.

30 x 30

Studies show that being regularly immersed in nature can decrease stress, and the scent of fresh pine has been known to reduce depression and anxiety. It’s time to get back to your senses and make nature a habit!

Ontario Parks and Healthy Parks Healthy People challenge to get outside and spend 30 minutes in nature every day for 30 days.

By accepting the 30x30 challenge, you are committing to a healthy lifestyle!


What is the 30x30 Nature Challenge?

Reconnect with nature by spending 30 minutes a day outside for 30 days. By doing this you will be creating a nature habit that supports a healthy lifestyle.

When does the challenge start?

The Ontario Parks 30x30 Challenge will run for the month of August – the challenge begins August 1st!

But wait, August has 31 days doesn’t it?

Yes - take the opportunity to challenge yourself to one more day in nature! Better yet, continue that challenge by spending time in nature every day.

I missed the start date… can I still join the challenge?

Yes! You can join the challenge at any point in August! Every day that you can spend some time in nature is worth celebrating!

What counts as “time in nature”?

Time in nature is about getting outside and taking time to notice and connect with the sights and sounds around you. Time in nature is not always the same as being outside—most busy city thoroughfares aren’t very green or calming.

In busy cities, time in nature can be as simple as turning off your electronics and finding the nearest green space. Even a small urban park can be beneficial if you relax and use your senses. Listen for bird songs, breathe fresh air and watch for local wildlife.

Where can I find nature?

Nature isn’t a destination—it’s literally in your backyard. Green space is as close as your neighbourhood park or garden.

If you’re looking for a change of scenery, Ontario Parks can be a great starting place. There are several parks within 100 km of many city centers. Ontario Parks are diverse and offer plenty of trails, beaches, breathtaking views and fresh air.

Also check out community gardens, local trails, ravines and beaches. Many are often a short diversion from your daily route.

Plan ahead and be aware of public health guidelines, closures, or restrictions that might be in place.

How can I spend my 30 minutes in Nature?

Check out our Parks Blog for ideas of what you can do for your 30x30 Challenge. You can also find videos with 30x30 activities on our Youtube channel. Search the #30x30challenge to see how others are getting their daily dose of nature.

Can I share what I’m doing with other participants?

Of course – we encourage you to do so! Share your pictures, videos, discoveries and daily nature interactions via social media.

Connect with our Ontario Parks Facebook or tweet us @OntarioParks and use #HPHP and #30x30challenge to share how you are creating a healthy nature habit!