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Careers at Ontario Parks

Seasonal and Full-time Career Opportunities - FAQ

The FAQ’s of Ontario Parks Employment Opportunities

  1. What forms of employment exist with Ontario Parks?
    • Seasonal jobs may be recruited annually, which are at least 8 weeks in duration, but not more then 42 weeks. They usually take place between April and September.
    • Full time jobs provide employees with employment year round For more information, visit the GoJobs website
    • Contract positions are short-term and time limited, i.e. projects, temporarily filling of positions where the incumbent is away.
  2. When is the operating season?
  3. When does hiring take place?
    • Ontario Parks is a year-round operation, so opportunities always exist
    • The hiring for seasonal jobs for the operating season typically begins in April, however opportunities are available throughout the year.
  4. Are all seasonal jobs just for students and youth?
    • No, Ontario Parks offers various positions for youth, students and adults of all ages. Seasonal positions vary from entry level to those requiring more specialized knowledge and experience.
    • For more information about qualifications for types of seasonal positions offered by Ontario Parks visit the “Exploring Ontario Parks” section of this webpage.