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Park staff assisting a visitor

Careers at Ontario Parks

Student Jobs - What jobs are available

Most of our summer student positions fall under “Student - Park Ranger,” but there are lots of different types of park ranger. Here's a bit more info about each type:

Administrative assistant

Our admin staff keep parks running smoothly!

These roles assist with clerical work and park administration, and play a key role in assisting with finances and scheduling.

Note: this role is available in most parks.

Park Staff answering phone behind desk

Discovery ranger

Discovery rangers are Ontario Parks' storytellers!

Discovery rangers participate in a wide variety of activities, including delivering programs to help visitors connect with the natural and cultural resources found within the park.

These positions also support conservation efforts by monitoring species that are invasive or at risk and engaging visitors in community science initiatives.

There are two types of Discovery Programs you can work in. Check out this blog to learn more!

Note: this role is only available in parks with a Discovery Program.

Staff doing a presentation

Gate attendant

Be the first smiling face to greet visitors once they arrive at the park!

Our gate attendants welcome and direct visitors around the park while registering campers and issuing campsite permits.

Gate attendants manage cash flow and credit transactions, provide retail services, and facilitate communication between departments.

Note: this role is available in most parks.

Staff welcoming visitors to the park

Interior ranger

Interior (or backcountry) rangers work – you guessed it – mainly in our backcountry.

They’ll often head out on multi-day trips to maintain backcountry trails and campsites. Tasks might include taking chainsaws to trees that are downed across trails, packing out garbage found in the interior.

This is a very physical job, and may include canoe-tripping, hiking with a heavy backpack, and other manual work. Interior rangers often see some of the most beautiful and “behind the scenes” places in parks.

Note: this is a common role in parks that offer backcountry opportunities.

Staff sitting by a river

Maintenance worker

Maintenance workers use a variety of tools to clean and maintain park facilities like campsites, public areas, and comfort stations.

Maintenance covers a lot of ground, managing recycling and garbage removal, removing hazards on trails, and even assisting with water testing for comfort stations and swimming areas!

Jack of all trades, this is the job for you!

Note: this role is available in most parks.

Two staff moving a picnic table

Park store clerk

Forgot the matches for your campfire? Craving an ice cream after a long, hot hike? Want to commemorate your trip with a special souvenir? Our park store clerks help with all of that!

Your role will vary from park to park, but members of our park store teams help with merchandise and food services.

Like gate attendants, store clerks manage cash flow and credit transactions, provide retail services, and facilitate communication between departments.

Note: this role is available in most parks that have a store, restaurant, and/or rentals program.

Staff serving visitors at a store

Trail maintenance

These rangers work hard to keep trails and portages clear for our visitors.

This includes removing brush and fallen trees, up-keep on trail surfaces, and conducting inspections.

Note: this role is most common in parks with trail and/or portage networks.

Staff removing barriers from trail

Other opportunities

We do have limited summer student positions in other areas, such as park Ambassadors and support positions in our branch office.

Check GoJobs website to find these roles as they come available.

Have questions about student jobs? Contact us at